I have a story to share. On Valentine's Day i celebrated it with Nicole and Grace. We went on a walk to the park. Col and Grace were dancing around being hilarious. All of a sudden, these two dogs came running at us. It was the scariest thing i have ever experienced. They were jumping on us and growling at us i literally saw the one dogs mouth open and in attempt to almost bite my leg i started praying really loud. I had Grace behind me i was almost in tears out of fear. I prayed and the dog's mouth closed, when i saw Nicole's brother Jonathan distracting the dog. I slowly started to walk away with grace behind me. Unfortunately, we came on bikes so we had to leave the bikes. We started walking away, 5 minutes later the dogs were chasing us yet again until they were literally on Jonathan. Nicole and Grace managed to hide in a forest area which left me and Jonathan. Through her tears, Nicole thought it would be a good idea to get a picture of the dogs attacking jonathan. What can i say? She's a photographer. So we finally got away after we slowly walked away. This was a 2 hour catastrophe we were a good mile and half from Nicole's house. We still had to go back and get the bikes! It was ironic that our pastor was talking about how God could take our lives at any moment and how we need to be living for the day! No one was hurt except for being emotionally shook up. I watched that one dog almost bite me. I started to brace myself for the bite, trusting God. I actually started singing worship songs i believe it was the song, "Holy Spirit Come" haha. God showed me that he is always there through this mutant dog attack. I posted some pictures from the day. Grace snapped a picture of my face right after they attacked the first time. I totally forgot she took it. I look back and laugh.. kinda... :)

Wow... I'm SO glad you guys are alright!
Only by God's grace :)
What a testament to God's sovereignty!
Yes, you are exactly right Jane Ellen!
i can't believe i actually took pictures....i feel sooo bad!!!!! haha!!! :) ♥
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